
Personally speaking, I vividly remembered when i was an English learner, I found it very arduous listening and writing English. One day, my teacher introduced TED talks to the class. Since then, I know the importance and benefits of listening to TED talks.


So, what is TED talks? TED stands for technology, entertainment and design. TED talks is a media organization that posts influential, motivational, personal-experience-knowledge videos from expert speakers on education, business, science, tech and creativity.  In addition, there are thousands of TED talks which everyone can access to for free of charge.

What are the benefits from TED Talks?

First, your listening skill will surely be enhanced due to the fact that you can adapt to native speakers or successful English speaker because most of the videos are conducted in English language. However, if you think your English proficiency is low, you can watch TED talks with English subtitle.

Second, you can also learn presentation skill. The speaker on TED talks might have done a barrage of presentations. Hence, they are very confident, formal and professional in giving talks.  You can observe and notice from the expert speakers.

Third, you can improve your writing skill. The TED speakers often use formal, good and advanced structures, which learners can notice and learn from. Simultaneously, the vocabulary bank will also be increased. In TED talks, there are many advanced vocabularies that you can learn from with the right context from the videos.

Last but not least, listeners can expose to a variety of topics and their interests. Their general knowledge will surely expand. More importantly, critical thinking might be improved as well due to the fact that speakers share their personal experiences and research, which learners can digest and think.

In conclusion, there are four advantages by listening to TED talks. Clearly speaking, listening skill, presentation skill, writing skill, vocabulary bank and general knowledge will be enhanced.


The Plateau Effect

When you first started learning English, it is very easy to see your improvement. Right? Yet, after you learn English for many years, you might feel like you are not learning or improving anymore? Have you ever experienced this? You might be experiencing a stage of learning language called, the plateau effect. So, what is the plateau effect? According to the Teaching Methodology textbook (2016), the plateau effect is when students see little or no improvements at all in their learning process. And this can have a very demotivating effect on students’ learning.

When it comes to learning a language, we all misunderstand that our progress will grow steadily. If we work hard, we will master at something. But the fact is, it is not like that. Let’s look at the graphs below:

  1. High-growth phase

You make a lot of progress when you first begin learning a language. The result is very obvious to see.  Students could easily see their result within in Elementary and Pre-intermediate levels.

  1. Slow-growth phase

As you get better, it gets harder and harder to improve. Intermediate students can easily see their improvements as well; however, their learning pace is a bit slow down comparing to when they first start learning a language.

  1. No-growth phase

It is when you feel you do not learn anything anymore or you stop learning as much as you can.  Majority of students who are in Upper-Intermediate and Advanced levels usually suffer this “No-growth” phase. This is where The Plateau Effect occurs.

As a result, the students who experience the plateau effect may lose motivation.

Here are some solutions to help resolve the plateau effect:

  1. You must know you might be experiencing the plateau effect. It is normal and do not blame yourself.
  2. You must set clear goals. The plateau effect may make you feel demotivated; hence, having clear goals can keep you going.
  3. You must learn more advanced vocabularies. To get over the plateau effect, you have to learn more complex words and improve your vocabulary.
  4. You must keep on listening, reading, speaking and writing, whether you see improvements or not, you have to keep learning.


If you are born into a rich family, you may not experience many hardships since your parents have a boatload of money which could support all of your expenses. However, for those who are born in a indigent family, they surely encounter a great of difficulties in their life as their family depend on one another to support the family. However, some rich kids also live independently without their parents’ supporting while some poor kids also cannot even support themselves. And what is worse than that, they bring problems and damage their family’s finance which is the breath of their life. Whatever family condition you are in, as an adult who reaches a stage of working, one should not depend on parents’ support. Do not feel proud that you are unemployed yet you have money to spend. Each and every one of us should have responsibility and learn to live independently. I am going to share the reasons why.

Firstly, you are able to experience hardships in life. If you don’t struggle, you may not fully understand how difficult life is. If you still depend on your parents, you will never be able to experience the difficulties. Remember that your parents cannot support you for the rest of your life. Hence, you should fight or work hard. Earn the money to support yourself and learn valuable life lessons during your hardship periods.

Secondly, you will be independent When you stop depending on your parents’ finance, you are fully independent and in charge of your own life, which allows you to do the things you love. You will be amazed on how financial freedom life benefits you.

Thirdly, you could enhance your family’s financial conditions. No matter how high salary of your parents is, if you only know how to spend not to learn, money will never be enough. In contrast, if you stop spending your parents’ money and are able to earn extra income, guess what? Your family condition definitely will be improved.

Last but not least, you are able to make your parents happy and calm. All parents want their kids to be able to depend and help themselves. Nothing makes parents happier than knowing their kids could live independently without family’s inherit.

By the end of the writing, I hope I have already convinced you to live independently.

Be a good kid! Live independently and make parents proud.




Most, if not all, schools would give students’ score as GPA( Grade Point Average) rather than the exact score that they perform. GPA is known as the standard way of measuring academic achievement worldwide. By and large, the scale of GPA ranges from 0.0 to 4.0 the highest. Academically speaking, getting high GPA is believed to help enormously in career life and scholarship journey. Consequently, to have your CV look sexy as much as possible, it is fundamental for you to know your school’s scoring system.

You know what? The gap from transforming score to GPA is absolutely VAST. If you get 85, you will get A+. Yet if you get 84, which is only one score different, you will get only A. Hence, you always have to make sure that you at least reach the top scale of each GPA.
Here is the standard GPA at my school:
If you get 85-100, you will get A which GPA is 4.0.
If you get 80-84, you will get B+ which GPA is 3.5.
If you get 70-79, you will get B which GPA is 3.0.
If you get 65-69, you will get C+ which GPA is 2.5.
If you get 64-50, you will get C which GPA is 2.0.
However, some chief subjects may be transformed specially and differently.
In Research Methodology that I am taking in this semester, if I get below 60, I will automatically fail the course. And my GPA will be 0.0.

So I strongly believe that the urge of wanting high GPA in your transcript could motivate you to work harder and knowing your school’s grading system could help you to pass with flying colors. 🙂


At the end of the day, we all want to be happy. We work hard not only to make ends meet to cover our basic needs but also to be able to enjoy our life to the fullest. A lot of young people do not plan for their retired life while older people are already too late to take action for this. Older people are supposed to live peacefully and happily at the last stage of their life, don’t they? You may have seen a number of elder people are still doing the business to support themselves. Let’s imagine this, let’s say you are 20 years old right now, so you have approximately 25 years old to plan for your retired life.  Do you think 25 years is long?? Of course it is not! Therefore, I am here to tell you what you can prepare for your retirement.

Firstly, you need to maintain good health. Since you are still young, you should digest the knowledge relating to health as much as possible and keep a healthy lifestyle. Sickness develops gradually. If you do not take a good care of your health from now, sooner or later, when you grow old, you will have many diseases. Not only do you need to waste a great deal of money for your treatment but you cannot enjoy your life either.  One instance is that a lot of students like having one-night policy for their assignment and tests, which is not recommended to do. Another mistake is some people like skipping breakfast and eat a lot for dinner. A quote suggests that “  Eat breakfast like a KING, lunch like a PRINCE, and dinner like a PAUPER.” Eat healthily, work out regularly and have adequate sleep everyday!

Secondly, finance is significantly vital in human’s life. Earning a barrage of money is one thing but knowing how to manage well of it is another thing. There are times in life when we are in need of money. Plus, as technology has enhanced vastly, you may want to change your phone, laptop, motorbike, car etc to fulfill your desire. If you spend money by thinking today is the end of your world, you will be in big trouble when you retire. As you know, without money, it is almost impossible to enjoy life. If you earn a lot of money, learn to manage it and invest it for financial growth.

Thirdly, it is predominant to have a good relationship with people. You should learn how to balance between relationship and work. A lot of people work hard until they do not have time for family and socializing with friends. Life is about connecting and networking. You cannot live alone in this universe. Be careful when you are in danger or sick, there is no one to help you. Consequently, build up a good network with people.

Last not but least, you should keep growing.  The world is moving fast. If you do not keep yourself up to date, the world will abandon you. Keep reading! Keep listening! Keep observing! Keep watching! Whatever you do, make sure that you improve.

In conclusion, here are the 4 chief things that I believe can help you live peacefully and happily.  And I hope this article will inspire you to take action right now for a better life when you grow old.


First of all, big congratulations to your first milestone in life. Now, it is time to decide which major you want to study in the university. It is very essential due to the fact that it will affect your  entire life. Since a lot of articles have provided tips on how to choose and to know the major you love or to know your passion or talents. Therefore, in my article, I am going to share the mistakes that many people have made so that you may avoid.

Firstly, one of the mistakes which people have made is they follow their peers. In high school, some students may have a clique or intimidated friends whom they often hang out with and/or share everything together. When they do not have a goal in life and do not know where to go next, they often end up following their friends. Later, they figure out they detest the subject, which they do not have passion to learn and more importantly, they lose the motivation and do not want to go on. They feel they are useless. But they do not want to change the major for the reason that they think they waste time if they choose and learn a new major.

Secondly, some students receive too many advices. When people know that one graduate from high school, many will come and give a great deal of various ideas. Some say that you should study this major because of the job markets. And the others say : “ no, you should study that major because you have talents on that.”  When one’s brain is fraught with many different ideas, it is easy to make a wrong decision.

Thirdly, some students study that major because they are offered the scholarship. Due to the fact that some do not want to spend money or believe that scholarship will save their money, they study without questioning whether they like it or not. There are many other reasons behind such as: they study because they truly have financial crisis or they study because of the school’s brand. Anyhow, at the end of the day, they may just force themselves to learn.

Lastly, some students study the major that they dislike because it is their parents’ goals or dreams. A good example is a lot of parents want their kids to become doctors because parents believe the job is high-paying, their kids can cure them when they are sick, and so on and so forth. The other instance is their parents failed to get into that university or that major. As a result, some kids feel it is their responsibility to fulfill their parents’ wishes to make them happy. Though it is good to show love and appreciation, it is more important for every student to listen to their hearts.

In conclusion, these are the commons mistakes which many students have made. I hope that  after reading this article, you can avoid the repeated mistakes and make the right decision for yourself. Listen to your heart and your brain. Be responsible for your decision. Good luck making decision !



យើងដឹងហើយថា គ្រូប្រៀបបានដូចជាឪពុកម្ដាយទីពីររបស់យើងអញ្ចឹង។ គ្រូមានគុណដ៏ធំធេងដែលមិនអាចកាត់ថ្លៃបាន។ យើងមានថ្ងៃនេះក៏ដោយសារតែចំណែកមួយនៃការប្រៀនប្រដៅនិងការណែនាំបង្ហាញផ្លូវរបស់ពួកគាត់។ បើអ្នកមិនធ្លាប់ធ្វើជាគ្រូទេ អ្នកមិនដឹងថាធ្វើជាគ្រូពិបាកប៉ុនណាទេ។

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គ្រូក៏អាចមានសម្ដីធ្ងន់ដែរ។ សិស្សខ្លះមិនចូលចិត្តនោះទេ ពេលគ្រូស្ដីឲម្តងៗ។ ពួកលោកសិស្សខ្លះអន់ចិត្តនឹងគ្រូ ខឹងគ្រូ លើសពីនេះទៅទៀតគឺគុំនឹងគ្រូ។ តែ អ្នកត្រូវចងចាំពាក្យមួយឃ្លាថា៖ ” ថ្នាំផ្អែមគឺគ្មានប្រសិទ្ធភាពនោះទេ ថ្នាំល្វីនទើបមានប្រសិទ្ធភាព។ ” ដូច្នេះនេះដែរ ពេលខ្លះសម្ដីគ្រូប្រហែលជាមិនផ្អែមដូចអ្វីដែលសិស្សខ្លះចង់បាននោះទេ ប៉ុន្តែ ពាក្យសម្ដីទាំងនោះសុទ្ធតែចង់ឲសិស្សល្អ រីកចម្រើនទៅមុខ ដើររកផ្លូវត្រូវ។ល។

គោលបំណងនៃអត្ថបទនេះគឺ៖ ចង់ឲសិស្សគោរពស្រឡាញ់គ្រូនិងឲតម្លៃដល់គ្រូរបស់អ្នក។ អ្នកមិនចាំបាច់ហៅពួកគាត់(គ្រូ)ទៅញាំអាហារដើម្បីបង្ហាញពីការដឹងគុណនោះទេ។ អ្នកគ្រាន់តែព្យាយាមរៀនសូត្រ ធ្វើកិច្ចការដែលពួកគាត់ដាក់ឲនិងប្រលងយកលទ្ធផលល្អឲគាត់ទៅជាការស្រេច។ នេះបង្ហាញថាការបង្រៀន ការបណ្ដុះបណ្ដាលនិងញើសឈាមរបស់ពួកគាត់មិនអត់ប្រយោជន៍ទេ។
ធ្វើជាសិស្សល្អ ដឹងនៅ? 🙂

Basically, what is regret ? By and large, many people would view ” regret” as the present situation which they believe they could have done something better or made better decisions in the past. In other words, regret is an emotionally depressed. And some people even come up with something such as ” if only they did that? Or what if they made different choices, how different the outcome it would be.”

Life is full of choices! You either make right or wrong decisions. If you make the right decisions, good for you. However, if you think you have made wrong decisions, don’t feel bad because you have make those mistakes. Making mistakes is inevitable in life.

You may feel painful and regretful and worse than that you think you are such a failure when you make those crazy decisions in life. It even looks like that is the end of the world to you. However, just bear in mind that pain and failures are both normal parts of life. Everyone encounters that.

You may start overthinking about this and that. But overthinking isn’t going to change anything. So stop being sad. Accept the truth ! Be responsible for your poor decisions !!!!

If you truly wanna learn to live, don’t learn to live without regrets, but learn to live with it.

Learn from those mistakes ! Take the courage ! Get up ! You have wasted nothing. Keep going ! Move on !


In our society, some people may think that firefighters deliberately be late to allow fire to becomes stronger due to the fact that it takes them a bit of time to arrive. And they need bribes to put out the victims’ house. For this, I don’t know how true the reality it is. What I know about the job of firefighters are that 1) they miss a lot of events ( wedding, family reunion etc) since fire break out is very unpredictable and this job is considered as 24/7 job. Worse than that, if their family is sick, the firefighters may not be able to stand by. Let’s get more serious !!!!! Normally, firefighters also have their uniform which is to protect them on their mission. But when I watched at the videos that our firefighters are on their mission, I;honestly, was amazed to see they did not even wear masks from inhaling the dirty pollution or air, some did not even wear helmets; and some just wore only firefighter shirt, but not completely uniform. So, what can we imply from this? They truly are at rush putting out the fire. They all know that one-minute late can damage many properties and fire can spread to other houses.

In Cambodia, we have one bad habit. The people who want to know everything and are curious everything. They take pictures, videos and now even live in social media. It is good to spread the news but with many people standing there isn’t good. You know what???? Whenever a fire breaks out, the traffic stuck from the fire station to the event place. You know how much time firefighters have wasted ? Especially, in the victims’ house, a great deal of people who just want to witness everything and they don’t know that they could slow the progress.

People keep saying oh, God, please the fire puts off quickly please. They feel sorry for the victims’ houses and properties. I mean praying is not bad. But action speaks louder than words. Step back, don’t gather and watch. Create a free space where firefighter can easily do their job fast and effectively. You can follow the news later.

From my today’s post, I just want you to understand a little bit of firefighter’s job and what you can do as a citizen. Keep up the spirit, firefighters !!! Thank you for your hard work.

I love Riel cash !

The Riel (Khmer: រៀល; sign: ៛; code: KHR) is the currency of Cambodia.

HISTORY :  It is believed that the name of the currency comes from the Mekong river fish. There have been two distinct Riel, the first issued between 1953 and May 1975. From 1975-1979 when was the Khmer Rough took control of the country, the Cambodia’s currency was totally destroyed and abolished and more importantly, the country had no monetary system. A second currency, also named “Riel”, has been made in 1979 and has been issued since March 20, 1980 until today.  However, this currency has not gained much public acceptance, with most Cambodians preferring foreign currency especially US dollars.

People in the past used things to interchange with the things they wanted. For instance, they may interchange one chicken with one kilo of rice.

After the Khmer Rough regime, the Riel was re-established. At that time’s currency, people could buy rice at the cost of 1 Riel. Because there were too Cambodia’s Riel published and economic dropped down, which made Cambodia’s currency became cheaper. Currently, 4 Riels equal to 1 U.S dollar.


1) When did Cambodians start to use USD and how did USD come to Cambodia?

=> Although Cambodia’s Riel was used once again after Khmer Rough, the economic was in jeopardy and we had no investments from other countries. Plus, the country wasn’t yet considered as a safe country. The United Nation came to Cambodia in 1993, that was when Cambodia safety started to increase; simultaneously, there was a large quantity of U.S dollars flew into Cambodia’s economy. As a result, the dollar has become the country’s common currency.

2) Why do Cambodians like using US dollars as well?

=> There are two possible reasons as I know. First of all, it is easy to keep with a big amount of money and to buy things. Most importantly, they do not need to pay extra money. Although 4000 Riel is $1, due to that fact that economic fluctuates, sometimes 4100 or 4200 equals to $1. Therefore, people may not need to pay extra.  Another possible reason is that people are afraid of the lost of Cambodian currency just like in Khmer regime. Consequently, people prefer saving and using foreign currencies. Although that case may happen. people are certain the foreign money still can be used.

3) What is the importance of using Cambodia’s Riel?

=> Riel represents national identity.  It also can increase foreign investor’s confidence on CAMBODIA as our foreign reserve will increase a lot which translates into the ability to maintain the economic growth in the turbulence period. Plus, it is easy to control the flows of money in Cambodia’s economy.

4) How can individual do to promote the use of Riel?

=> There should be a mechanism to promote the use of Riel by required all goods and services to be quoted in Riel.  And people living in Cambodia have to use Riel as a medium to do anything according to their needs.   This is one of the best ways to promote the use of Riel.


I am writing this article because I believe no matter how bitter the history was, Cambodian citizens should know the history. But  now we can join in hand together to promote the  Cambodia’s Riel.  Let Cambodia’s Riel live once again.

Happy Khmer’s Riel!

Happy 36th  anniversary of Cambodian currency being used once again !

20 March 1980- 20 March 2016
